Wellness Consciousness

Wellness is a way of living that encompasses positive choices in all areas of one’s life. This includes spiritual, occupational, psychological, physical and environmental health.The results of a factor analysis indicate that four items heavily loaded on the first factor pertained to self-health awareness, while three items referred to personal responsibility and two referred to health motivation.It is a way of lifeWellness is a way of life that involves taking care of yourself physically, mentally and spiritually. It includes a healthy diet, exercise and regular sleep, and it also involves taking time to relax. It also involves cultivating a sense

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is used by massage therapists, nurses, physiotherapists, and other health care providers. It is a type of complementary therapy that claims to improve psychological well-being by using aroma compounds.The practice of aromatherapy isn’t regulated, so be sure to choose a trained therapist. Ask your cancer centre if they offer aromatherapy, and check that the therapist is a member of a professional organisation.What are essential oils?Essential oils are highly concentrated, volatile liquids extracted from aromatic plant parts, including seeds, flowers, bark, leaves, roots, twigs and resin. They can be used in many ways, but they are most commonly inhaled or

Self Healing – How to Leverage the Body’s Natural Self Healing Powers

A growing movement is emerging that leverages the body’s natural self healing powers. These practices are a powerful and cost effective alternative to prescription medications and traditional healthcare strategies.Older adults interviewed for this study defined self-healing through three main themes, physiology, psychology and interpersonal relations. They emphasized the importance of exercise, healthy nutrition and good social interactions for their self-healing process.1. Talk to yourselfThe inner voice we hear is called self-talk. It can be positive or negative and it helps us with a variety of things such as emotional regulation, motivation and performance. It can also be helpful in guiding

Spiritual Energy and Sacred Feminine Energy

Spiritual Energy is a force that connects the soul to your physical body. It provides divine wisdom and insight, guiding you towards your life purpose. It also promotes a sense of unity with others.It also increases self-awareness, allowing you to make better decisions that are aligned with your values and beliefs. Many ancient civilizations have harnessed this spiritual energy. They referred to it by different names, including Qi, Ki, Prana, and Pneuma.Sacred energySacred energy is free-flowing healing love energy that exists beyond the mind and is present in all things. Often called Qi, Prana, Pneuma or Mana, it’s the vital

Health Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that smell wonderful and can be absorbed through the skin. They can also provide some health benefits.Whether in their single-note form or skillfully blended, they offer many ways to relax, boost mood and tackle common health concerns. Some of the most popular ones include: Lavender, Tea Tree Oil and Peppermint.LemonWith its fresh citrus scent, lemon essential oil boosts mood and encourages positive thinking. It also clears airways and promotes mental clarity, making it ideal for the office or study space.Add lemon oil to a nontoxic cleaning spray for the kitchen or bathroom and you’ll

Wellness Consciousness

Wellness consciousness refers to individuals’ awareness and attitude towards healthy behaviors and health-related information. Previous research has found that wellness consciousness is a prominent predictor of individual’s health-related behavior and intentions.This study aims to examine the impact of wellness consciousness on home-based exercise, by using Structural Equation Modeling. The results indicate that wellness consciousness indirectly affects home-based exercise via the mediating variables of health life goal and perceived behavioral control.ExerciseExercise may sound like it’s about going to the gym, but the word “exercise” encompasses a wide range of healthful activities from the gentle to the strenuous. Even something as simple

What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of extracts from plants to promote healing. It may be part of massage therapy or used in baths. Some cancer centers and hospitals offer this complementary therapy at no cost.The oils are usually diluted in a carrier oil before you inhale them or put them on the skin. Some people also use them in a diffuser.What are essential oils?Aromatic essential oils are concentrated liquids containing volatile chemical compounds that give plants their unique scent. They are typically extracted from the plant using steam, water or mechanical methods and then distilled. The resulting oil is then combined

Self Healing for Older Adults

The human body has a tremendous self-healing power and regeneration ability after injuries. This is especially true of older adults. This was confirmed by a qualitative study of interviews with nine experts and six older adults. One important aspect of self healing is loving yourself. This includes self-compassion and practicing mindfulness. Self-loveDespite the fact that your aunt Suzanne won’t stop talking about it, every yoga studio is preaching it, and everyone on TikTok is dropping the term like its hot, self-love can still feel pretty nebulous. But when it comes to self healing, it’s a crucial part of the process.

Spiritual Energy – The Force of Divinity

Spiritual Energy is a powerful force that permeates and energizes everything. Ancient civilizations have been aware of this for millennia and various techniques have been developed to harness it. It is known by different names such as Chi, Ki, Prana, and Pneuma.Despite being a force of divinity, this energy does not define you. You can be a highly spiritual person and still be evil.It’s an Invisible ForceSpiritual energy is a force that is beyond all physical boundaries. It is the force of divinity, the divine love that binds all things together. It is pure, exciting and expands the consciousness beyond

The Benefits of Essential Oils

Essential oils can replace chemicals in many beauty and home products, boost immunity, reduce stress and anxiety and help fight pathogens. When used correctly, they offer powerful benefits without the potential toxicity and risks of chemical-based products. Most people use essential oil aromatically by opening the bottle and inhaling its signature aroma for a variety of effects. You can also cook with them, but you must first dilute the oil with a carrier oil. AromatherapyTraditionally, people use essential oils to promote mental and physical healing. They contain powerful antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and calming properties and can be used in many