Self healing is a process that occurs naturally, but it can also be enhanced with therapeutic techniques. It consists of practicing self-awareness, engaging in self-care, and gaining coping skills to maintain mental health.
Visualize your body as a healing mechanism. Whether you are fighting a brain tumor or dealing with a headache, visualization can help.
Physical self healing involves practices that improve internal recovery systems to heal wounds and balance the body. This can include activities such as massage, meditation, acupressure, yoga, and breathing exercises.
This can also involve learning about the body’s energy systems and how they connect to your mind, heart, and soul (whatever you want to call it). It may involve finding ways to get back in touch with your soul or spirit or energy.
The human body has amazing innate healing mechanisms that can be leveraged at virtually no cost, which could save national healthcare systems a fortune in treatments and hospitalizations. One example of this is the placebo effect. In a simple placebo experiment, participants were asked to imagine that their injured arm had healed. This was compared to participants who imagined that their injury had not healed and those who imagined that their injuries had healed more quickly. The results showed that the psychological experience of time played a role in how fast or slow the arm healed.
The journey of mental self healing can feel challenging at times. It can involve learning to honor your emotions and allowing yourself to grow from difficult experiences. It can also mean finding new ways to relate to your loved ones.
Ancient teachings and modern science increasingly concur: The mind and body are one integrated system. Therefore, what you do to one will impact the other. It’s important to recognize and acknowledge these connections, and then take steps to address them.
The process of mental self healing can be facilitated through therapy and self-care practices. Developing self-awareness and practicing mindfulness can help you to learn how to manage your emotions in healthy ways, and build resilience and strength for the long-term. Your therapist will provide you with a safe space to discuss your thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental environment. They will also teach you tools to support your mental health, such as the Mentally STRONG Method Course.
Emotional self healing is the process of addressing emotional trauma and releasing pent-up emotions. This can include everything from talking through your feelings to practicing mindfulness.
It can also involve releasing emotions that have been held back, such as sadness or anger. For example, if you have been holding back tears, it may be helpful to express those emotions through a trusted friend or therapist.
Often, unhealed emotional trauma can cause physical symptoms, such as high blood pressure or heart problems. Taking steps to heal these emotions can improve your overall well-being and increase your resilience.
Emotional self-healing can be a long journey, but it is possible to see positive changes in your life. You may find that you are more able to cope with triggers, have better relationships and feel stronger in yourself. Some people may even experience a personality upgrade, becoming a less self-critical and more productive person. Ultimately, emotional healing is the most rewarding part of the entire healing process.
Spiritual self healing involves integrating your personal beliefs and values into your life. This can include soaking up nature, prayer, meditation, journaling, expressing gratitude, embracing solitude and practicing mindfulness.
Ancient teachings and modern science increasingly concur: Our body, mind and emotions are all one integrated system. Therefore, when we influence one, it affects the others.
It is important to remember that spiritual self healing is not linear. You may experience setbacks at times, feel like you have gone backwards. However, this is a normal part of the journey. Just like a butterfly enters a cocoon to become its new self, this is the time to transform the aspects of yourself you fear the most.
The goal is to move up the spiral-like energy of your evolution. This is what leads to true freedom and a deep sense of inner peace. It is in this place that the deepest healing occurs. This is also where you realize that you are your own best healer.