Self healing can be achieved in many ways. These include activities such as meditating, breathing techniques and even simple affirmations.
A simple way to relieve stress is by tensing and relaxing the muscles of your face, then the rest of your body. This technique is called progressive muscle relaxation. It also helps reduce the effects of anxiety and depression.
Emotional Wounds
As the name suggests, emotional wounds are caused by negative experiences that cause pain on a psychological level. These can range from traumatic events to difficult relationships with loved ones. They often have their roots in childhood and can cause a person to use unhealthy coping mechanisms that can lead to negative behaviors as an adult.
Healing emotional wounds requires patience as the journey can be challenging. One key is to practice mindfulness which allows the mind to rest. It also helps to reach out to others who are a support system and can offer insight that you may not have had on your own.
The first step to overcoming core emotional wounds is acknowledging that they exist. This can be a painful process but once the wounds are acknowledged they lose their power over you. You will notice small improvements in your mood, your ability to manage triggers and your relationships with others. The goal is to heal enough so that the wounds no longer interfere with your daily life.
Physical Wounds
A physical wound is any injury that breaks the skin. Most wounds bleed, but some do not, such as burns, some puncture wounds and pressure ulcers (also known as venous or arterial ulcers). A minor wound will heal quickly with proper care. A chronic wound that is not healing well may lead to serious complications such as infection, gangrene and possibly death.
During the healing process, your body produces cells that fill in and cover the injury site. This new tissue is called granulation tissue. Once the granulation tissue is complete, the wound gets smaller and forms a scar. The scar is usually thinner and less flexible than the surrounding skin.
Many things can slow or stop the healing of a wound, including infections, medicines and poor blood supply. Stress also interferes with the body’s ability to heal. This is due to the fact that stress hormones affect physiologic processes and may cause you to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as lack of sleep, poor diet and excessive use of alcohol and cigarettes.
Mental Wounds
A major part of mental healing is discovering and working through trauma. The therapists at Clarity Therapy NYC work with people who have many different kinds of trauma, helping them discover how they can heal.
For example, something that happens to you as a child can leave an imprint on your mind. If your mother inadvertently scolded you, your mind could interpret that as meaning “You are unlovable” or “You will never be good enough.” Various treatments and therapies can help heal these wounds by changing unhelpful thoughts or beliefs.
When working through these wounds, it’s important to take a mindfulness approach. This means practicing meditation and letting negative thoughts come and go without judgment. Practicing compassion for yourself is also a crucial component to core wound healing. You should treat yourself with the same kindness you would a close friend. This will make it easier to overcome setbacks in your recovery and continue moving forward toward self love and healing.
Spiritual Wounds
A spiritual wound is when someone experiences something profoundly missing from their life. They may not be able to put it into words, but they feel a bone-chilling absence of their soul. They can also be unable to participate in their faith practices or have doubts about God’s love for them.
Spiritual wounds can be healed by honoring those tender parts of yourself with compassion and establishing a sense of safety. You can do this by re-examining your beliefs, values and priorities to see if they are helping or hindering your healing.
While it’s important to care for all types of wounds, a spiritually wounded person requires critical attention. We hope that this course will inspire you to seek out the Lord and allow Him to begin bandaging your spiritual wounds. He loves you and has a plan to heal your life in amazing ways! He is waiting to receive your answer. He wants to hear you say, “Yes, Lord.” Will you give Him your answer?