Wellness consciousness is more than just eating right and hitting the gym. It’s a holistic integration of the body, mind, and spirit. It involves eliminating risk factors that can negatively affect health (smoking, junk food, unprotected sex, etc) and developing good habits that lead to optimal health.
This study investigates the influencing mechanism of wellness consciousness on home-based exercise during COVID-19 pandemic by utilizing mediation analysis. Results showed that health life goal and perceived behavioral control play an indirect role in the relationship between health consciousness and home-based exercise.
Increased awareness
A wellness-conscious mindset teaches you to be mindful of the world around you. It also increases your perceptual awareness, so you can identify and accept your strengths and weaknesses more objectively. This self-awareness will help you build a better sense of self-worth, and it will also allow you to maintain healthy relationships with others.
The nitty-gritty of health consciousness involves several dimensions, including physical, intellectual, emotional, environmental, and spiritual wellness. Each of these aspects can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.
For example, physical wellness includes a regular exercise regimen that improves physical fitness and reduces sedentary behavior. In addition, intellectual wellness can be achieved by engaging in stimulating mental activities and fostering a lifelong learning attitude. Environmental wellness is based on a high degree of awareness about the earth’s fragile state and adopting a lifestyle that minimizes harm to the environment. Spiritual wellness includes a deep faith in one’s beliefs and values, as well as a belief in a higher power.
Better relationships
Because health-conscious people are more in tune with their emotions, they tend to be able to control them better. They also understand how others feel, which can lead to empathy and a stronger ability to communicate with other people. In addition, it’s easier for health-conscious people to accept their weaknesses and be willing to work on them rather than try to hide them.
In terms of their behaviors, health conscious individuals are known to actively incorporate healthy habits into their daily routines, be consistently attentive to their own health conditions, seek and use healthy-related information from diverse sources, take responsibility for their health, and be motivated to stay healthy.
However, since different studies have used different definitions and operationalized health consciousness, the results from factor analysis are often inconsistent. This makes it difficult to accurately and comprehensively measure the concept of health consciousness, especially with regard to its underlying psychological dimensions. This article proposes a new conceptualization of health consciousness that focuses on individuals’ comprehensive orientations toward health, rather than issue-specific orientations (e.g., smoking and weight control).
Better productivity
Wellness programs aren’t just about helping employees manage the physical issues that can diminish their work performance and cause them to miss days, although that is a significant benefit. Holistic wellness offerings also help employees deal with the problematic aspects of their lives that consume their thoughts and energy, such as financial anxiety and relationship challenges.
A healthy lifestyle leads to improved productivity, as evidenced by studies indicating lower absenteeism rates and higher job satisfaction levels. A balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, emotional support and social connectivity promotes a healthy mindset that translates into better work performance. In addition, mindfulness training helps employees stay focused in high-pressure situations. Mindful people make better decisions that improve productivity and create happier workplaces.