Spiritual Energy is the energy of life force that gives you your identity and sense of being alive. It is associated with sexuality, dreams and fantasies, and the sense of control.
It is important to distinguish this from ‘field energy’, which is a more complicated interplay of results. The field energy of a session can be confusing to the people participating and should only be attempted by an experienced life energy worker.
Attunement to a Place
Spiritual Energy is an ever-changing current of connection that can be tapped into by noticing and being receptive. This includes tuning into the nuances of place—be it swamp, ocean, jungle or concrete. It can also be achieved through meditation and other types of mindfulness practices.
Being attuned to a place means acknowledging that we aren’t separate from its ecosystem—leeches, branches and haunted pasts included. It’s responding to someone in a way that shows we see how they are feeling, understand and are willing to be with them in that state.
This type of attunement is more than empathy, sympathy or active listening. It’s about attuning to the Receiver so that their Relational Circuits are turned on and the upset (Anger; Fear; Sadness; Shame; Disgust; Hopeless Despair) turns to righteousness, peace and joy. It’s a form of attunement that can be cultivated by people-centered, community building efforts and is an important component in a healthy recovery from the pandemic.
Attunement to a Person
In some cases, spiritual energy can be accessed by tuning into someone else’s vibrational frequency. Healers, psychics and channelers are able to do this. This is why they are able to help people.
Everyone’s energy is unique. Some are calming and peaceful, others are compassionate and loving. Some can be fierce, mischievous or intense. They might even make you feel uneasy.
Some people are able to pop their egocentric bubble and attune themselves to other’s energy. These are the people who can truly empathise with you.
This kind of attunement is also what gives rise naturally to empathy. This is why it’s so important to be able to empathise with the people around you. It makes the world a better place. You can practice this by experimenting with physical and non-sexual touch with the people in your life. For example, placing your hand on someone’s shoulder, pushing back their hair or pulling them in for a hug are all ways of practicing attunement.
Attunement to a Symbol
Although the terms spirit and energy are often used interchangeably, they are two distinct concepts. Energy is a universal force that can be transferred and transformed into different forms. It is not dependent on the existence of spirit to exist, but some spiritual beliefs claim that energy is a manifestation of spirit and that the two are interconnected.
During an attunement to a symbol, the energy that is being channeled through the symbol is activated. For example, in a Usui Reiki level 1 attunement, the student is asked to sit in a comfortable chair and place their hands together in the prayer position at the heart chakra. The practitioner then draws the Power symbol on the student’s body while chanting to open them up to the healing energies of the symbol. This is followed by the Harmony and Distance symbols to heal specific issues. The Energy is then released into the student’s aura, or energy field.
Attunement to a Dream
Every living thing has a unique energy. You can tap into that energy through your intuition. People’s energies can be calming, peaceful, compassionate and loving, or they can be fierce, mischievous, intense, awkward or creepy. You also get a sense of someone’s energy through the words they use and the things they do.
You can become attuned to a dream, a vision or an intention that is very important to you. This helps you stay focused and motivated in your life. It allows you to stay open and flexible to new ideas and possibilities as they arise.
People who have this kind of spiritual energy often have a palpable goodness that goes far beyond the usual warm and fuzzy aura, as well as a clarity about their motivations and a transparency in their personal and public lives. They are able to connect with others in ways that help them feel safe and supported. They also are able to be flexible in their relationships and in the face of change.