Self healing is a process of repairing the body without medical intervention. It may be achieved through a variety of techniques, including relaxation, breathing exercises, fitness exercises, imagery, meditation, qigong and t’ai chi.
Practicing self healing can lead to a more healthy lifestyle. It can also reduce your stress levels and improve your sleep.
1. Exercise
Whether you’re a competitive athlete or just like to take a walk, exercise is an important tool in self healing. It reduces stress, improves mood and helps with sleep.
Physical activities, from the mild to strenuous, have powerful health benefits that work on all aspects of your system, from your heart and lungs to your immune system and muscles to your bones and even your brain.
While some forms of exercise, such as running and swimming, are more beneficial than others, all types have positive effects.
In addition to helping your heart and lungs function properly, exercising can also help your brain stay young by improving its memory and thinking abilities. And it can strengthen your immune system, allowing you to fight off the common cold and other illnesses more easily.
2. Meditation
Meditation is one of the most important and effective self healing techniques. It helps you release toxins from your body and boosts your immune system.
It also improves mental health and reduces stress. It’s especially beneficial for people suffering from anxiety and depression.
When you meditate, you learn to notice thoughts and feelings as they enter your mind. This allows you to observe them without judgment and attachment, which is important for healing.
This also helps you recognize cravings and tendencies that are not helpful to your health. Instead, you can replace them with healthier thoughts and feelings that support your well-being.
Meditation is a natural form of stress reduction and can help you heal from all types of physical illnesses and health problems. In fact, studies have shown that it can reduce cortisol and strengthen your immune system.
3. Talking to yourself
Talking to yourself, or narrating your thoughts out loud, can be useful for motivating and analyzing tough situations. It can also help build self-esteem and reduce anxiety.
But it can also have negative effects if you are over-critical of yourself or if you talk too much. Keeping an eye on your self-talk can help you identify negative and critical thoughts that are hurting your health.
Negative self-talk can be particularly dangerous in situations such as stage fright, when you are anxious about speaking or performing and your feelings of fear and worry are too strong to function. The physical reaction to these feelings creates a cycle of anxiety that can be debilitating.
If your self-talk is driven by hallucinations, or if it is accompanied by thoughts of suicide, then seek mental health help. You may be suffering from schizophrenia or another psychotic disorder.
4. Being grateful
Gratitude can be an essential part of self healing. It helps you to find the good in any situation and reminds you that you are not alone.
Moreover, gratitude is associated with improved mood and decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression. It’s also known to promote positive relationships and reduce stress.
In addition, it can strengthen your immune system and lower blood pressure, which may help prevent serious health problems. It can even encourage people to improve themselves by focusing on their strengths and accomplishments.
Start your day by thinking of three things that you are grateful for – no matter how small. It might be the barista who served you coffee this morning, or the friend who sent you funny text messages.