Wellness Consciousness

Wellness is a holistic approach to life that encompasses many dimensions. It includes physical, emotional/spiritual, environmental, financial, occupational and social wellness. All of these dimensions are connected and impact each other.

This paper mainly explores the influencing mechanism of health consciousness on home-based exercise during the pandemic of COVID-19 by analyzing its chain mediation through health life goal and perceived behavioral control.

Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness refers to the pursuit of personal values and beliefs that give meaning to life. It can involve religious activities, learning about different religions, practicing mindfulness and meditation, and even spending time in nature or having a spirited conversation with friends about beliefs and morals.

The goal is to live a conscious and intentional life, with each decision made in alignment with your beliefs. You may find that your values shift over the course of your life, and it’s important to revisit them and reassess them as needed.

Another aspect of spiritual wellness is caring for others by volunteering or serving in your community. Whether that’s local or global, it can be an amazing way to explore your values and develop compassion and gratitude. It can also help you to connect with a higher power or purpose and see the bigger picture. This can be a very healing experience for people dealing with grief or stress.

Physical Wellness

Wellness consciousness involves taking an active role in making healthy choices that promote a more successful existence. This includes focusing on all dimensions of wellness, including spiritually, occupationally, emotionally, physically and socially.

Physical wellness involves having a body that is in good enough shape to enable you to carry out your daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. This can be achieved through regular exercise, adequate nutrition and getting a good night’s sleep.

Studies show that home-based exercise has a direct relationship with wellness consciousness, which in turn influences health life goals and perceived behavioral control. Therefore, it is essential to set fitness goals for your body that will challenge you, and commit to them. Practicing mindfulness, journaling and engaging in intellectually stimulating activities can also enhance your mental wellness. These activities will help to keep your mind sharp, and prevent depression and anxiety. The key to reaching all the different dimensions of wellness is to create a balanced schedule that leaves time for each aspect of your well being.

Environmental Wellness

Often overlooked, environmental wellness is an aspect of overall health that considers the natural environment and personal surroundings. It requires a commitment to living sustainably and minimising one’s ecological footprint.

The environmental dimension of wellness can also be applied to the workplace by promoting healthy indoor spaces with clean air, proper lighting and comfortable temperatures. This can improve employee concentration and productivity and reduce energy consumption.

The environmental element of wellness is also about raising awareness and encouraging participation in community-based sustainability initiatives to support the earth’s natural resources and ecosystems. Taking simple steps to reduce one’s waste, purchasing products with recycled or sustainable packaging, embracing biophilic design and spending regular time in nature can have positive impacts on the environment, including lowering stress levels. Several phone apps, like Plume and AirVisual, are available to track air quality in cities to keep a close eye on toxic levels. In addition, re-establishing a connection with “Pachamama” (Mother Earth) can help to reduce stress and boost happiness.

Social Wellness

Social wellness is a dimension of well-being that encompasses your ability to develop and maintain healthy relationships with those around you. This includes establishing authentic connections with friends and family as well as fostering a sense of belonging in your community.

Practicing social wellness also means keeping in touch with loved ones by calling, texting or video chatting them regularly. This allows you to remain updated on their lives and shows that they are a priority in your life.

Lastly, social wellness entails being active in your community by volunteering and participating in group activities. These experiences will help you meet new people and connect with others in a meaningful way. Additionally, reading books that promote empathy and improve your communication skills can contribute to a higher level of social wellness. For example, “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown and “How to Win Friends & Influence People” by Dale Carnegie are both excellent choices.