Spiritual Energy and Self-Awareness

Spiritual Energy is a form of energy that resides within the human spirit and soul. It is often described as feeling or bhava.

Every living thing has a unique energy. It can be calming and peaceful, or passionate and loving.

Developing spiritual energy takes practice and patience. It is centered on five qualities of heart and mind: faith, effort, mindfulness and concentration.


Spiritual growth is about embracing your inner self and connecting with spirit. One way to do that is through meditation. Meditation promotes a deeper understanding of the self, increases awareness, and helps you to develop a sense of purpose.

When practicing meditation, it is important to stay present in the body. This is done by focusing on the breath, and observing each inhalation and exhalation. It is also important to be aware of your emotions, letting them wash over you without reacting.

While it can be hard to find the right method for meditation, each practice has its own unique benefits. The most common benefit is the relaxation and clarity that it provides. The body also experiences healing and replenishment. Regular meditation has been shown to increase brain grey matter, improve intelligence, and strengthen the immune system, as well as decrease blood pressure, cholesterol, and the buildup of plaque in arteries. (Bronkhorst, 2014)


It’s easy to get pulled into the whirlwind of life and lose sight of what truly matters. Adding acts of kindness into your daily routine can help you feel more aligned with the world around you and elevate your spiritual energy.

When you extend kindness, you enter a vibration of love and compassion that’s deeply connected to the universe. This energy radiates from your heart space and can also be felt by those around you, encouraging a sense of community.

The energy of being kind is a powerful force that connects us on a spiritual level and promotes emotional resilience and empathy. It’s a type of energy that has been described as “palpable goodness” and “a sense of genuine integrity.” When you act in kindness, it inspires others to do the same, which creates a chain reaction of positivity that benefits everyone involved. This is how Jesus intended his followers to respond to the world: “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Romans 13:8).

Community Building

Participants often described their spirituality as a key component in achieving resilience. They often reported that a strong belief structure provided them with the ability to make sense of their hardship and to perceive it as part of a larger, divinely guided process.

They also emphasized the importance of their relationships with spiritual community members in helping them cope with adversity. Those personal qualities that we refer to as spiritual assets – such as gratitude, forgiveness, and tolerance – tend to spread in community situations. Greeting one another and respecting the perspectives of others are ways that people can express these assets in their communities.

However, community building is a long-term commitment that requires regular participation. If your group does not host events on a consistent basis, it is possible that people will find their own reasons not to attend and that the energy in the community may falter. To avoid this, try scheduling events on a monthly basis and aim for consistency in the amount of interactions each month.


Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It’s one of the first competencies listed in Daniel Goleman’s emotional intelligence model and is key to personal growth. Self-aware people have a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and they’re open to constructive feedback. They’re also able to recognize and address unhealthy patterns of behavior. People who lack self-awareness often stay stuck in comfort zones, afraid to take risks.

Without self-awareness, we become trapped in chaotic lives ruled by untamed impulses and unconscious habits. We may even find ourselves causing pain and suffering to others. Spiritual energy can help us break free from these patterns and cultivate the power of self-awareness. The result is an inner strength that guides you on your journey towards enlightenment.